Source code for dolfin_to_sparrays

import dolfin
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sps

from dolfin import dx, grad, div, inner

    dolfin.parameters.linear_algebra_backend = "Eigen"
except RuntimeError:
    dolfin.parameters.linear_algebra_backend = "uBLAS"

__all__ = ['ass_convmat_asmatquad',

[docs]def append_bcs_vec(vvec, V=None, vdim=None, invinds=None, diribcs=None, **kwargs): """ append given boundary conditions to a vector representing inner nodes """ if vdim is None: vdim = V.dim() vwbcs = np.zeros((vdim, 1)) # fill in the boundary values for bc in diribcs: bcdict = bc.get_boundary_values() vwbcs[bcdict.keys(), 0] = bcdict.values() vwbcs[invinds] = vvec return vwbcs
[docs]def mat_dolfin2sparse(A): """get the csr matrix representing an assembled linear dolfin form """ try: return dolfin.as_backend_type(A).sparray() except RuntimeError: # `dolfin <= 1.5+` with `'uBLAS'` support rows, cols, values = return sps.csr_matrix((values, cols, rows))
[docs]def ass_convmat_asmatquad(W=None, invindsw=None): """ assemble the convection matrix H, so that N(v)v = H[v.v] for the inner nodes. Notes ----- Implemented only for 2D problems """ mesh = W.mesh() deg = W.ufl_element().degree() fam = W.ufl_element().family() V = dolfin.FunctionSpace(mesh, fam, deg) # this is very specific for V being a 2D VectorFunctionSpace invindsv = invindsw[::2]/2 v = dolfin.TrialFunction(V) vt = dolfin.TestFunction(V) def _pad_csrmats_wzerorows(smat, wheretoput='before'): """add zero rows before/after each row """ indpeter = smat.indptr auxindp = np.c_[indpeter, indpeter].flatten() if wheretoput == 'after': smat.indptr = auxindp[1:] else: smat.indptr = auxindp[:-1] smat._shape = (2*smat.shape[0], smat.shape[1]) return smat def _shuff_mrg_csrmats(xm, ym): """shuffle merge csr mats [xxx],[yyy] -> [xyxyxy] """ xm.indices = 2*xm.indices ym.indices = 2*ym.indices + 1 xm._shape = (xm.shape[0], 2*xm.shape[1]) ym._shape = (ym.shape[0], 2*ym.shape[1]) return xm + ym nklist = [] for i in invindsv: # for i in range(V.dim()): # iterate for the columns # get the i-th basis function bi = dolfin.Function(V) bvec = np.zeros((V.dim(), )) bvec[i] = 1 bi.vector()[:] = bvec # assemble for the i-th basis function nxi = dolfin.assemble(v * bi.dx(0) * vt * dx) nyi = dolfin.assemble(v * bi.dx(1) * vt * dx) nxim = mat_dolfin2sparse(nxi) nxim.eliminate_zeros() nyim = mat_dolfin2sparse(nyi) nyim.eliminate_zeros() # resorting of the arrays and inserting zero columns nxyim = _shuff_mrg_csrmats(nxim, nyim) nxyim = nxyim[invindsv, :][:, invindsw] nyxxim = _pad_csrmats_wzerorows(nxyim.copy(), wheretoput='after') nyxyim = _pad_csrmats_wzerorows(nxyim.copy(), wheretoput='before') # tile the arrays in horizontal direction nklist.extend([nyxxim, nyxyim]) hmat = sps.hstack(nklist, format='csc') return hmat
[docs]def get_stokessysmats(V, Q, nu=None, bccontrol=False, cbclist=None, cbshapefuns=None): """ Assembles the system matrices for Stokes equation in mixed FEM formulation, namely .. math:: \\begin{bmatrix} A & -J' \\\\ J & 0 \\end{bmatrix}\ \\colon V \\times Q \\to V' \\times Q' as the discrete representation of .. math:: \\begin{bmatrix} -\\Delta & \\text{grad} \\\\ \ \\text{div} & 0 \\end{bmatrix} plus the velocity and pressure mass matrices for a given trial and test space W = V * Q not considering boundary conditions. Parameters ---------- V : dolfin.VectorFunctionSpace Fenics VectorFunctionSpace for the velocity Q : dolfin.FunctionSpace Fenics FunctionSpace for the pressure nu : float, optional viscosity parameter - defaults to 1 bccontrol : boolean, optional whether boundary control (via penalized Robin conditions) is applied, defaults to `False` cbclist : list, optional list of dolfin's Subdomain classes describing the control boundaries cbshapefuns : list, optional list of spatial shape functions of the control boundaries Returns ------- stokesmats, dictionary a dictionary with the following keys: * ``M``: the mass matrix of the velocity space, * ``A``: the stiffness matrix \ :math:`\\nu \\int_\\Omega (\\nabla \\phi_i, \\nabla \\phi_j)` * ``JT``: the gradient matrix, * ``J``: the divergence matrix, and * ``MP``: the mass matrix of the pressure space * ``Apbc``: (N, N) sparse matrix, \ the contribution of the Robin conditions to `A` \ :math:`\\nu \\int_\\Gamma (\\phi_i, \\phi_j)` * ``Bpbc``: (N, k) sparse matrix, the input matrix of the Robin \ conditions :math:`\\nu \\int_\\Gamma (\\phi_i, g_k)`, \ where :math:`g_k` is the shape function associated with the \ j-th control boundary segment """ u = dolfin.TrialFunction(V) p = dolfin.TrialFunction(Q) v = dolfin.TestFunction(V) q = dolfin.TestFunction(Q) if nu is None: nu = 1 print 'No viscosity provided -- we set `nu=1`' ma = inner(u, v) * dx mp = inner(p, q) * dx aa = nu * inner(grad(u), grad(v)) * dx grada = div(v) * p * dx diva = q * div(u) * dx # Assemble system M = dolfin.assemble(ma) A = dolfin.assemble(aa) Grad = dolfin.assemble(grada) Div = dolfin.assemble(diva) MP = dolfin.assemble(mp) # Convert DOLFIN representation to scipy arrays Ma = mat_dolfin2sparse(M) MPa = mat_dolfin2sparse(MP) Aa = mat_dolfin2sparse(A) JTa = mat_dolfin2sparse(Grad) Ja = mat_dolfin2sparse(Div) stokesmats = {'M': Ma, 'A': Aa, 'JT': JTa, 'J': Ja, 'MP': MPa} if bccontrol: amatrobl, bmatrobl = [], [] mesh = V.mesh() for bc, bcfun in zip(cbclist, cbshapefuns): # get an instance of the subdomain class Gamma = bc() # bparts = dolfin.MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, # mesh.topology().dim() - 1) boundaries = dolfin.FacetFunction("size_t", mesh) boundaries.set_all(0) Gamma.mark(boundaries, 1) ds = dolfin.Measure('ds', domain=mesh, subdomain_data=boundaries) # Gamma.mark(bparts, 0) # Robin boundary form arob = dolfin.inner(u, v) * ds(1) # , subdomain_data=bparts) brob = dolfin.inner(v, bcfun) * ds(1) # , subdomain_data=bparts) amatrob = dolfin.assemble(arob) # , exterior_facet_domains=bparts) bmatrob = dolfin.assemble(brob) # , exterior_facet_domains=bparts) amatrob = mat_dolfin2sparse(amatrob) amatrob.eliminate_zeros() amatrobl.append(amatrob) bmatrobl.append(bmatrob.array().reshape((V.dim(), 1))) # [ININDS] amatrob = amatrobl[0] for amatadd in amatrobl[1:]: amatrob = amatrob + amatadd bmatrob = np.hstack(bmatrobl) stokesmats.update({'amatrob': amatrob, 'bmatrob': bmatrob}) return stokesmats
[docs]def get_convmats(u0_dolfun=None, u0_vec=None, V=None, invinds=None, diribcs=None): """returns the matrices related to the linearized convection where u_0 is the linearization point Returns ------- N1 : (N,N) sparse matrix representing :math:`(u_0 \\cdot \\nabla )u` N2 : (N,N) sparse matrix representing :math:`(u \\cdot \\nabla )u_0` fv : (N,1) array representing :math:`(u_0 \\cdot \\nabla )u_0` See Also -------- stokes_navier_utils.get_v_conv_conts : the convection contributions \ reduced to the inner nodes """ if u0_vec is not None: u0, p = expand_vp_dolfunc(vc=u0_vec, V=V, diribcs=diribcs, invinds=invinds) else: u0 = u0_dolfun u = dolfin.TrialFunction(V) v = dolfin.TestFunction(V) # Assemble system n1 = inner(grad(u) * u0, v) * dx n2 = inner(grad(u0) * u, v) * dx f3 = inner(grad(u0) * u0, v) * dx n1 = dolfin.assemble(n1) n2 = dolfin.assemble(n2) f3 = dolfin.assemble(f3) # Convert DOLFIN representation to scipy arrays N1 = mat_dolfin2sparse(n1) N1.eliminate_zeros() N2 = mat_dolfin2sparse(n2) N2.eliminate_zeros() fv = f3.array() fv = fv.reshape(len(fv), 1) return N1, N2, fv
def setget_rhs(V, Q, fv, fp, t=None): if t is not None: fv.t = t fp.t = t elif hasattr(fv, 't') or hasattr(fp, 't'): Warning('No value for t specified') v = dolfin.TestFunction(V) q = dolfin.TestFunction(Q) fv = inner(fv, v) * dx fp = inner(fp, q) * dx fv = dolfin.assemble(fv) fp = dolfin.assemble(fp) fv = fv.array() fv = fv.reshape(len(fv), 1) fp = fp.array() fp = fp.reshape(len(fp), 1) rhsvecs = {'fv': fv, 'fp': fp} return rhsvecs
[docs]def get_curfv(V, fv, invinds, tcur): """get the fv at innernotes at t=tcur """ v = dolfin.TestFunction(V) fv.t = tcur fv = inner(fv, v) * dx fv = dolfin.assemble(fv) fv = fv.array() fv = fv.reshape(len(fv), 1) return fv[invinds, :]
[docs]def get_convvec(u0_dolfun=None, V=None, u0_vec=None, femp=None, diribcs=None, invinds=None): """return the convection vector e.g. for explicit schemes given a dolfin function or the coefficient vector """ if u0_vec is not None: if femp is not None: diribcs = femp['diribcs'] invinds = femp['invinds'] u0, p = expand_vp_dolfunc(vc=u0_vec, V=V, diribcs=diribcs, invinds=invinds) else: u0 = u0_dolfun v = dolfin.TestFunction(V) ConvForm = inner(grad(u0) * u0, v) * dx ConvForm = dolfin.assemble(ConvForm) if invinds is not None: ConvVec = ConvForm.array()[invinds] else: ConvVec = ConvForm.array() ConvVec = ConvVec.reshape(len(ConvVec), 1) return ConvVec
[docs]def condense_sysmatsbybcs(stms, velbcs): """resolve the Dirichlet BCs and condense the system matrices to the inner nodes Parameters ---------- stms: dict of the stokes matrices with the keys * ``M``: the mass matrix of the velocity space, * ``A``: the stiffness matrix, * ``JT``: the gradient matrix, * ``J``: the divergence matrix, and * ``MP``: the mass matrix of the pressure space velbcs : list of dolfin Dirichlet boundary conditions for the velocity Returns ------- stokesmatsc : dict a dictionary of the condensed matrices: * ``M``: the mass matrix of the velocity space, * ``A``: the stiffness matrix, * ``JT``: the gradient matrix, and * ``J``: the divergence matrix * ``MP``: the mass matrix of the pressure space rhsvecsb : dict a dictionary of the contributions of the boundary data to the rhs: * ``fv``: contribution to momentum equation, * ``fp``: contribution to continuity equation invinds : (N,) array vector of indices of the inner nodes bcinds : (K,) array vector of indices of the boundary nodes bcvals : (K,) array vector of the values of the boundary nodes """ nv = stms['A'].shape[0] auxu = np.zeros((nv, 1)) bcinds = [] for bc in velbcs: bcdict = bc.get_boundary_values() auxu[bcdict.keys(), 0] = bcdict.values() bcinds.extend(bcdict.keys()) # putting the bcs into the right hand sides fvbc = - stms['A'] * auxu # '*' is for csr matrices fpbc = - stms['J'] * auxu # indices of the innernodes invinds = np.setdiff1d(range(nv), bcinds).astype(np.int32) # extract the inner nodes equation coefficients Mc = stms['M'][invinds, :][:, invinds] Ac = stms['A'][invinds, :][:, invinds] fvbc = fvbc[invinds, :] Jc = stms['J'][:, invinds] JTc = stms['JT'][invinds, :] bcvals = auxu[bcinds] stokesmatsc = {'M': Mc, 'A': Ac, 'JT': JTc, 'J': Jc, 'MP': stms['MP']} rhsvecsbc = {'fv': fvbc, 'fp': fpbc} return stokesmatsc, rhsvecsbc, invinds, bcinds, bcvals
[docs]def condense_velmatsbybcs(A, velbcs, return_bcinfo=False): """resolve the Dirichlet BCs, condense velocity related matrices to the inner nodes, and compute the rhs contribution This is necessary when, e.g., the convection matrix changes with time Parameters ---------- A : (N,N) sparse matrix coefficient matrix for the velocity velbcs : list of dolfin *dolfin* Dirichlet boundary conditions for the velocity return_bcinfo : boolean, optional if `True` a dict with the inner and the boundary indices is returned, \ defaults to `False` Returns ------- Ac : (K, K) sparse matrix the condensed velocity matrix fvbc : (K, 1) array the contribution to the rhs of the momentum equation dict, on demand with the keys * ``ininds``: indices of the inner nodes * ``bcinds``: indices of the boundary nodes """ nv = A.shape[0] auxu = np.zeros((nv, 1)) bcinds = [] for bc in velbcs: bcdict = bc.get_boundary_values() auxu[bcdict.keys(), 0] = bcdict.values() bcinds.extend(bcdict.keys()) # putting the bcs into the right hand sides fvbc = - A * auxu # '*' is for csr matrices # indices of the innernodes ininds = np.setdiff1d(range(nv), bcinds).astype(np.int32) # extract the inner nodes equation coefficients Ac = A[ininds, :][:, ininds] fvbc = fvbc[ininds, :] if return_bcinfo: return Ac, fvbc, dict(ininds=ininds, bcinds=bcinds) else: return Ac, fvbc
[docs]def expand_vp_dolfunc(V=None, Q=None, invinds=None, diribcs=None, vp=None, vc=None, pc=None, ppin=-1, **kwargs): """expand v [and p] to the dolfin function representation Parameters ---------- V : dolfin.VectorFunctionSpace FEM space of the velocity Q : dolfin.FunctionSpace FEM space of the pressure invinds : (N,) array vector of indices of the velocity nodes diribcs : list, optional of the (Dirichlet) velocity boundary conditions, \ if `None` it is assumed that `vc` already contains the bc, \ defaults to `None` vp : (N+M,1) array, optional solution vector of velocity and pressure vc : (N,1) array, optional solution vector of velocity pc : (M,1) array, optional solution vector of pressure ppin : {int, None}, optional which dof of `p` is used to pin the pressure, defaults to `-1` Returns ------- v : dolfin.Function(V) velocity as function p : dolfin.Function(Q), optional pressure as function See Also -------- expand_vecnbc_dolfunc : for a scalar function with multiple bcs """ if vp is not None: vc = vp[:len(invinds), :] pc = vp[len(invinds):, :] p = dolfin.Function(Q) elif pc is not None: p = dolfin.Function(Q) v = dolfin.Function(V) if vc.size > V.dim(): raise UserWarning('The dimension of the vector must no exceed V.dim') elif diribcs is None or len(vc) == V.dim(): # we assume that the boundary conditions are already contained in vc ve = vc else: ve = np.zeros((V.dim(), 1)) # fill in the boundary values for bc in diribcs: bcdict = bc.get_boundary_values() ve[bcdict.keys(), 0] = bcdict.values() ve[invinds] = vc if pc is not None: if ppin is None: pe = pc elif ppin == -1: pe = np.vstack([pc, [0]]) elif ppin == 0: pe = np.vstack([[0], pc]) else: raise NotImplementedError() p.vector().set_local(pe) else: p = None v.vector().set_local(ve) return v, p
[docs]def expand_vecnbc_dolfunc(V=None, vec=None, bcindsl=None, bcvalsl=None, diribcs=None, bcsfaclist=None, invinds=None): """expand a function vector with changing boundary conditions the boundary conditions may not be disjoint, what is used to model spatial dependencies of a control at the boundary. Parameters ---------- V : dolfin.FunctionSpace FEM space of the scalar invinds : (N,) array vector of indices of the velocity nodes vec : (N,1) array solution vector diribcs : list of boundary conditions bcsfaclist : list, optional of factors for the boundary conditions Returns ------- dolfin.function of the vector values and the bcs """ v = dolfin.Function(V) ve = np.zeros((V.dim(), 1)) if bcsfaclist is None: try: bcsfaclist = [1]*len(diribcs) except TypeError: bcsfaclist = [1]*len(bcvalsl) # fill in the boundary values if diribcs is not None: if not len(bcsfaclist) == len(diribcs): raise Warning('length of lists of bcs and facs not matching') for k, bc in enumerate(diribcs): bcdict = bc.get_boundary_values() ve[bcdict.keys(), 0] += bcsfaclist[k]*np.array(bcdict.values()) else: if not len(bcsfaclist) == len(bcvalsl): raise Warning('length of lists of bcs and facs not matching') for k, cfac in enumerate(bcsfaclist): ve[bcindsl[k], 0] += cfac*np.array(bcvalsl[k]) ve[invinds] = vec v.vector().set_local(ve) return v
def get_dof_coors(V, invinds=None): # doflist = [] # coorlist = [] # for (i, cell) in enumerate(dolfin.cells(V.mesh())): # # print "Global dofs associated with cell %d: " % i, # # print V.dofmap().cell_dofs(i) # # print "The Dof coordinates:", # # print V.dofmap().tabulate_coordinates(cell) # dofs = V.dofmap().cell_dofs(i) # coors = V.dofmap().tabulate_coordinates(cell) # # Cdofs = V.dofmap().cell_dofs(i) # coorlist.append(coors) # doflist.append(dofs) # dofar = np.hstack(doflist) # coorar = np.vstack(coorlist) # unidofs, uniinds = np.unique(dofar, return_index=True) coorfun = dolfin.Expression(('x[0]', 'x[1]'), element=V.ufl_element()) coorfun = dolfin.interpolate(coorfun, V) xinds = V.sub(0).dofmap().dofs() yinds = V.sub(1).dofmap().dofs() xcoors = coorfun.vector().array()[xinds] ycoors = coorfun.vector().array()[yinds] coorfunvec = coorfun.vector().array() if invinds is not None: # check which innerinds are xinds chix = np.intersect1d(invinds, xinds) chiy = np.intersect1d(invinds, yinds) chixx = np.in1d(invinds, xinds) # x inner inds in a inner vector xinds = np.arange(len(chixx), dtype=np.int32)[chixx] yinds = np.arange(len(chixx), dtype=np.int32)[~chixx] xcoors = coorfunvec[chix] ycoors = coorfunvec[chiy] coorfunvec = coorfunvec[invinds] coors = np.vstack([xcoors, ycoors]).T return coors, xinds, yinds, coorfunvec