Code Reference


dolfin_to_sparrays.ass_convmat_asmatquad(W=None, invindsw=None)[source]

assemble the convection matrix H, so that N(v)v = H[v.v]

for the inner nodes.


Implemented only for 2D problems

dolfin_to_sparrays.get_stokessysmats(V, Q, nu=None, bccontrol=False, cbclist=None, cbshapefuns=None)[source]

Assembles the system matrices for Stokes equation

in mixed FEM formulation, namely

\[\begin{split}\begin{bmatrix} A & -J' \\ J & 0 \end{bmatrix} \colon V \times Q \to V' \times Q'\end{split}\]

as the discrete representation of

\[\begin{split}\begin{bmatrix} -\Delta & \text{grad} \\ \text{div} & 0 \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]

plus the velocity and pressure mass matrices

for a given trial and test space W = V * Q not considering boundary conditions.


V : dolfin.VectorFunctionSpace

Fenics VectorFunctionSpace for the velocity

Q : dolfin.FunctionSpace

Fenics FunctionSpace for the pressure

nu : float, optional

viscosity parameter - defaults to 1

bccontrol : boolean, optional

whether boundary control (via penalized Robin conditions) is applied, defaults to False

cbclist : list, optional

list of dolfin’s Subdomain classes describing the control boundaries

cbshapefuns : list, optional

list of spatial shape functions of the control boundaries


stokesmats, dictionary :

a dictionary with the following keys:
  • M: the mass matrix of the velocity space,
  • A: the stiffness matrix \(\nu \int_\Omega (\nabla \phi_i, \nabla \phi_j)\)
  • JT: the gradient matrix,
  • J: the divergence matrix, and
  • MP: the mass matrix of the pressure space
  • Apbc: (N, N) sparse matrix, the contribution of the Robin conditions to A \(\nu \int_\Gamma (\phi_i, \phi_j)\)
  • Bpbc: (N, k) sparse matrix, the input matrix of the Robin conditions \(\nu \int_\Gamma (\phi_i, g_k)\), where \(g_k\) is the shape function associated with the j-th control boundary segment
dolfin_to_sparrays.get_convmats(u0_dolfun=None, u0_vec=None, V=None, invinds=None, diribcs=None)[source]

returns the matrices related to the linearized convection

where u_0 is the linearization point


N1 : (N,N) sparse matrix

representing \((u_0 \cdot \nabla )u\)

N2 : (N,N) sparse matrix

representing \((u \cdot \nabla )u_0\)

fv : (N,1) array

representing \((u_0 \cdot \nabla )u_0\)

See also

the convection contributions reduced to the inner nodes
dolfin_to_sparrays.get_curfv(V, fv, invinds, tcur)[source]

get the fv at innernotes at t=tcur

dolfin_to_sparrays.get_convvec(u0_dolfun=None, V=None, u0_vec=None, femp=None, diribcs=None, invinds=None)[source]

return the convection vector e.g. for explicit schemes

given a dolfin function or the coefficient vector

dolfin_to_sparrays.condense_sysmatsbybcs(stms, velbcs)[source]

resolve the Dirichlet BCs and condense the system matrices

to the inner nodes


stms: dict :

of the stokes matrices with the keys
  • M: the mass matrix of the velocity space,
  • A: the stiffness matrix,
  • JT: the gradient matrix,
  • J: the divergence matrix, and
  • MP: the mass matrix of the pressure space

velbcs : list

of dolfin Dirichlet boundary conditions for the velocity


stokesmatsc : dict

a dictionary of the condensed matrices:
  • M: the mass matrix of the velocity space,
  • A: the stiffness matrix,
  • JT: the gradient matrix, and
  • J: the divergence matrix
  • MP: the mass matrix of the pressure space

rhsvecsb : dict

a dictionary of the contributions of the boundary data to the rhs:
  • fv: contribution to momentum equation,
  • fp: contribution to continuity equation

invinds : (N,) array

vector of indices of the inner nodes

bcinds : (K,) array

vector of indices of the boundary nodes

bcvals : (K,) array

vector of the values of the boundary nodes

dolfin_to_sparrays.condense_velmatsbybcs(A, velbcs, return_bcinfo=False)[source]

resolve the Dirichlet BCs, condense velocity related matrices

to the inner nodes, and compute the rhs contribution This is necessary when, e.g., the convection matrix changes with time


A : (N,N) sparse matrix

coefficient matrix for the velocity

velbcs : list

of dolfin dolfin Dirichlet boundary conditions for the velocity

return_bcinfo : boolean, optional

if True a dict with the inner and the boundary indices is returned, defaults to False


Ac : (K, K) sparse matrix

the condensed velocity matrix

fvbc : (K, 1) array

the contribution to the rhs of the momentum equation

dict, on demand :

with the keys
  • ininds: indices of the inner nodes
  • bcinds: indices of the boundary nodes
dolfin_to_sparrays.expand_vp_dolfunc(V=None, Q=None, invinds=None, diribcs=None, vp=None, vc=None, pc=None, ppin=-1, **kwargs)[source]

expand v [and p] to the dolfin function representation


V : dolfin.VectorFunctionSpace

FEM space of the velocity

Q : dolfin.FunctionSpace

FEM space of the pressure

invinds : (N,) array

vector of indices of the velocity nodes

diribcs : list, optional

of the (Dirichlet) velocity boundary conditions, if None it is assumed that vc already contains the bc, defaults to None

vp : (N+M,1) array, optional

solution vector of velocity and pressure

vc : (N,1) array, optional

solution vector of velocity

pc : (M,1) array, optional

solution vector of pressure

ppin : {int, None}, optional

which dof of p is used to pin the pressure, defaults to -1


v : dolfin.Function(V)

velocity as function

p : dolfin.Function(Q), optional

pressure as function

See also

for a scalar function with multiple bcs
dolfin_to_sparrays.expand_vecnbc_dolfunc(V=None, vec=None, bcindsl=None, bcvalsl=None, diribcs=None, bcsfaclist=None, invinds=None)[source]

expand a function vector with changing boundary conditions

the boundary conditions may not be disjoint, what is used to model spatial dependencies of a control at the boundary.


V : dolfin.FunctionSpace

FEM space of the scalar

invinds : (N,) array

vector of indices of the velocity nodes

vec : (N,1) array

solution vector

diribcs : list

of boundary conditions

bcsfaclist : list, optional

of factors for the boundary conditions


dolfin.function :

of the vector values and the bcs

dolfin_to_sparrays.append_bcs_vec(vvec, V=None, vdim=None, invinds=None, diribcs=None, **kwargs)[source]

append given boundary conditions to a vector representing inner nodes


get the csr matrix representing an assembled linear dolfin form


stokes_navier_utils.get_v_conv_conts(prev_v=None, V=None, invinds=None, diribcs=None, Picard=False)[source]

get and condense the linearized convection

to be used in a Newton scheme

\[(u \cdot \nabla) u \to (u_0 \cdot \nabla) u + (u \cdot \nabla) u_0 - (u_0 \cdot \nabla) u_0\]

or in a Picard scheme

\[(u \cdot \nabla) u \to (u_0 \cdot \nabla) u\]

prev_v : (N,1) ndarray

convection velocity

V : dolfin.VectorFunctionSpace

FEM space of the velocity

invinds : (N,) ndarray or list

indices of the inner nodes

diribcs : list

of dolfin Dirichlet boundary conditons

Picard : boolean

whether Picard linearization is applied, defaults to False


convc_mat : (N,N) sparse matrix

representing the linearized convection at the inner nodes

rhs_con : (N,1) array

representing \((u_0 \cdot \nabla )u_0\) at the inner nodes

rhsv_conbc : (N,1) ndarray

representing the boundary conditions

stokes_navier_utils.solve_nse(A=None, M=None, J=None, JT=None, fv=None, fp=None, fvc=None, fpc=None, fv_tmdp=None, fv_tmdp_params={}, fv_tmdp_memory=None, iniv=None, lin_vel_point=None, stokes_flow=False, trange=None, t0=None, tE=None, Nts=None, V=None, Q=None, invinds=None, diribcs=None, output_includes_bcs=False, N=None, nu=None, ppin=-1, closed_loop=False, static_feedback=False, feedbackthroughdict=None, return_vp=False, tb_mat=None, c_mat=None, vel_nwtn_stps=20, vel_nwtn_tol=5e-15, vel_pcrd_stps=4, krylov=None, krpslvprms={}, krplsprms={}, clearprvdata=False, get_datastring=None, data_prfx='', paraviewoutput=False, vfileprfx='', pfileprfx='', return_dictofvelstrs=False, return_dictofpstrs=False, dictkeysstr=False, comp_nonl_semexp=False, return_as_list=False, start_ssstokes=False, **kw)[source]

solution of the time-dependent nonlinear Navier-Stokes equation

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}M\dot v + Av + N(v)v + J^Tp = f \\Jv =g\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

using a Newton scheme in function space, i.e. given \(v_k\), we solve for the update like

\[M\dot v + Av + N(v_k)v + N(v)v_k + J^Tp = N(v_k)v_k + f,\]

and trapezoidal rule in time. To solve an Oseen system (linearization about a steady state) or a Stokes system, set the number of Newton steps to one and provide a linearization point and an initial value.


lin_vel_point : dictionary, optional

contains the linearization point for the first Newton iteration

  • Steady State: {{None: ‘path_to_nparray’}, {‘None’: nparray}}
  • Newton: {t: ‘path_to_nparray’}

defaults to None

dictkeysstr : boolean, optional

whether the keys of the result dictionaries are strings instead of floats, defaults to False

fv_tmdp : callable f(t, v, dict), optional

time-dependent part of the right-hand side, set to zero if None

fv_tmdp_params : dictionary, optional

dictionary of parameters to be passed to fv_tmdp, defaults to {}

fv_tmdp_memory : dictionary, optional

memory of the function

output_includes_bcs : boolean, optional

whether append the boundary nodes to the computed and stored velocities, defaults to False

krylov : {None, ‘gmres’}, optional

whether or not to use an iterative solver, defaults to None

krpslvprms : dictionary, optional

to specify parameters of the linear solver for use in Krypy, e.g.,

  • initial guess
  • tolerance
  • number of iterations

defaults to None

krplsprms : dictionary, optional

parameters to define the linear system like

  • preconditioner

ppin : {int, None}, optional

which dof of p is used to pin the pressure, defaults to -1

stokes_flow : boolean, optional

whether to consider the Stokes linearization, defaults to False

start_ssstokes : boolean, optional

for your convenience, compute and use the steady state stokes solution as initial value, defaults to False


dictofvelstrs : dictionary, on demand

dictionary with time t as keys and path to velocity files as values

dictofpstrs : dictionary, on demand

dictionary with time t as keys and path to pressure files as values

vellist : list, on demand

list of the velocity solutions

stokes_navier_utils.solve_steadystate_nse(A=None, J=None, JT=None, M=None, fv=None, fp=None, V=None, Q=None, invinds=None, diribcs=None, return_vp=False, ppin=-1, N=None, nu=None, vel_pcrd_stps=10, vel_pcrd_tol=0.0001, vel_nwtn_stps=20, vel_nwtn_tol=5e-15, clearprvdata=False, vel_start_nwtn=None, get_datastring=None, data_prfx='', paraviewoutput=False, save_intermediate_steps=False, vfileprfx='', pfileprfx='', **kw)[source]

Solution of the steady state nonlinear NSE Problem

using Newton’s scheme. If no starting value is provided, the iteration is started with the steady state Stokes solution.


A : (N,N) sparse matrix

stiffness matrix aka discrete Laplacian, note the sign!

M : (N,N) sparse matrix

mass matrix

J : (M,N) sparse matrix

discrete divergence operator

JT : (N,M) sparse matrix, optional

discrete gradient operator, set to J.T if not provided

fv, fp : (N,1), (M,1) ndarrays

right hand sides restricted via removing the boundary nodes in the momentum and the pressure freedom in the continuity equation

ppin : {int, None}, optional

which dof of p is used to pin the pressure, defaults to -1

return_vp : boolean, optional

whether to return also the pressure, defaults to False

vel_pcrd_stps : int, optional

Number of Picard iterations when computing a starting value for the Newton scheme, cf. Elman, Silvester, Wathen: FEM and fast iterative solvers, 2005, defaults to 100

vel_pcrd_tol : real, optional

tolerance for the size of the Picard update, defaults to 1e-4

vel_nwtn_stps : int, optional

Number of Newton iterations, defaults to 20

vel_nwtn_tol : real, optional

tolerance for the size of the Newton update, defaults to 5e-15

stokes_navier_utils.get_pfromv(v=None, V=None, M=None, A=None, J=None, fv=None, fp=None, diribcs=None, invinds=None, **kwargs)[source]

for a velocity v, get the corresponding p


Formula is only valid for constant rhs in the continuity equation


problem_setups.get_sysmats(problem='drivencavity', N=10, scheme=None, ppin=None, Re=None, nu=None, bccontrol=False, mergerhs=False, onlymesh=False)[source]

retrieve the system matrices for stokes flow


problem : {‘drivencavity’, ‘cylinderwake’}

problem class

N : int

mesh parameter

nu : real, optional

kinematic viscosity, is set to L/Re if Re is provided

Re : real, optional

Reynoldsnumber, is set to L/nu if nu is provided

bccontrol : boolean, optional

whether to consider boundary control via penalized Robin defaults to False

mergerhs : boolean, optional

whether to merge the actual rhs and the contribution from the boundary conditions into one rhs

onlymesh : boolean, optional

whether to only return femp, containing the mesh and FEM spaces, defaults to False


femp : dict

with the keys:
  • V: FEM space of the velocity
  • Q: FEM space of the pressure
  • diribcs: list of the (Dirichlet) boundary conditions
  • bcinds: indices of the boundary nodes
  • bcvals: values of the boundary nodes
  • invinds: indices of the inner nodes
  • fv: right hand side of the momentum equation
  • fp: right hand side of the continuity equation
  • charlen: characteristic length of the setup
  • nu: the kinematic viscosity
  • Re: the Reynolds number
  • odcoo: dictionary with the coordinates of the domain of observation
  • cdcoo: dictionary with the coordinates of the domain of * ppin : {int, None}
    which dof of p is used to pin the pressure, typically -1 for internal flows, and None for flows with outflow

stokesmatsc : dict

a dictionary of the condensed matrices:
  • M: the mass matrix of the velocity space,
  • A: the stiffness matrix,
  • JT: the gradient matrix, and
  • J: the divergence matrix
  • Jfull: the uncondensed divergence matrix
and, if bccontrol=True, the boundary control matrices that weakly impose Arob*v = Brob*u, where
  • Arob: contribution to A
  • Brob: input operator

`if mergerhs` :

rhsd : dict

rhsd_vfrc and rhsd_stbc merged

`else` :

rhsd_vfrc : dict

of the dirichlet and pressure fix reduced right hand sides

rhsd_stbc : dict

of the contributions of the boundary data to the rhs:
  • fv: contribution to momentum equation,
  • fp: contribution to continuity equation


femp, stokesmatsc, rhsd_vfrc, rhsd_stbc = get_sysmats(problem=’drivencavity’, N=10, nu=1e-2)

problem_setups.drivcav_fems(N, vdgree=2, pdgree=1, scheme=None, bccontrol=None)[source]

dictionary for the fem items of the (unit) driven cavity


N : int

mesh parameter for the unitsquare (N gives 2*N*N triangles)

vdgree : int, optional

polynomial degree of the velocity basis functions, defaults to 2

pdgree : int, optional

polynomial degree of the pressure basis functions, defaults to 1

scheme : {None, ‘CR’, ‘TH’}

the finite element scheme to be applied, ‘CR’ for Crouzieux-Raviart, ‘TH’ for Taylor-Hood, overrides pdgree, vdgree, defaults to None

bccontrol : boolean, optional

whether to consider boundary control via penalized Robin defaults to false. TODO: not implemented yet but we need it here for consistency


femp : a dict

of problem FEM description with the keys:
  • V: FEM space of the velocity
  • Q: FEM space of the pressure
  • diribcs: list of the (Dirichlet) boundary conditions
  • fv: right hand side of the momentum equation
  • fp: right hand side of the continuity equation
  • charlen: characteristic length of the setup
  • odcoo: dictionary with the coordinates of the domain of observation
  • cdcoo: dictionary with the coordinates of the domain of control
problem_setups.cyl_fems(refinement_level=2, vdgree=2, pdgree=1, scheme=None, bccontrol=False, verbose=False)[source]

dictionary for the fem items for the cylinder wake


N : mesh parameter for the unitsquare (N gives 2*N*N triangles)

vdgree : polynomial degree of the velocity basis functions,

defaults to 2

pdgree : polynomial degree of the pressure basis functions,

defaults to 1

scheme : {None, ‘CR’, ‘TH’}

the finite element scheme to be applied, ‘CR’ for Crouzieux-Raviart, ‘TH’ for Taylor-Hood, overrides pdgree, vdgree, defaults to None

bccontrol : boolean, optional

whether to consider boundary control via penalized Robin defaults to False


femp : a dictionary with the keys:

  • V: FEM space of the velocity
  • Q: FEM space of the pressure
  • diribcs: list of the (Dirichlet) boundary conditions
  • dirip: list of the (Dirichlet) boundary conditions for the pressure
  • fv: right hand side of the momentum equation
  • fp: right hand side of the continuity equation
  • charlen: characteristic length of the setup
  • odcoo: dictionary with the coordinates of the domain of observation
  • cdcoo: dictionary with the coordinates of the domain of control
  • uspacedep: int that specifies in what spatial direction Bu changes. The remaining is constant
  • bcsubdoms: list of subdomains that define the segments where the boundary control is applied


parts of the code were taken from the NSbench collection

__author__ = “Kristian Valen-Sendstad <>”
__date__ = “2009-10-01”
__copyright__ = “Copyright (C) 2009-2010 ” + __author__
__license__ = “GNU GPL version 3 or any later version”


data_output_utils.output_paraview(V=None, Q=None, fstring='nn', invinds=None, diribcs=None, vp=None, vc=None, pc=None, ppin=-1, t=None, writeoutput=True, vfile=None, pfile=None)[source]

write the paraview output for a solution vector vp

data_output_utils.load_or_comp(filestr=None, comprtn=None, comprtnargs={}, arraytype=None, debug=False, loadrtn=None, loadmsg='loaded ', savertn=None, savemsg='saved ', itsadict=False, numthings=1)[source]

routine for caching computation results on disc


filestr: {string, list of strings, `None`} :

where to load/store the computed things, if None nothing is loaded or stored

arraytype: {`None`, ‘sparse’, ‘dense’} :

if not None, then it sets the default routines to save/load dense or sparse arrays

itsadict: boolean, optional :

whether it is python dictionary that can be JSON serialized, overrides all other options concerning arrays

savertn: fun(), optional :

routine for saving the computed results, defaults to None, i.e. no saving here

debug: boolean, optional :

no saving or loading, defaults to False